Abstract to my pottential thesis (6 April 2018)
Writing this abstract was another piece of homework I had to do and once again, I was lucky enough to get some valuable feedback from my teacher, therefore I find it to be a better material for my portfolio than my other uncorrected writings.
This is my abstract (corrections in bold):
FSP factors typical for translating source texts from English to Czech and vice versa
The thesis, divided into two parts, focuses on FSP as one of the typical language specific features which must be taken in account when translating a (source) text into a different language. The first part of the paper defines the theoretical background of FSP itself and the typical concepts relating to translation from English into Czech and vice versa. Moreover, it mentions common mistakes which can be typically found in amateurs’ non-professional translations.
The second part is more practical and addresses the differences between Czech and English language by comparison of various translated, originally English texts of different genres and formats. The text analysis focuses on the communicative dynamism and the location of theme and rheme in the sentence. The paper aims to serve as a comprehensive guide for beginner translators and students of translation who struggle with FSP-related issues.
This homework was more demanding from the point of view of fantasy than English (even though I had to come up with some nice formal vocabulary and style) because I still did not have the topic agreed with my supervisor (and I ended up writing about something else of course)... But it was a good practice of writing something a bit more "dry". I certainly used the vocabulary and writing tips from the book Academic Vocabulary in Use.
Feedback from my teacher, Mr Vogel: 9.5/10 points