The man who planted trees (11 May 2017)
BBC podcast
One of my favourite activities to practice and perfect my English is listening to BBC. When I have a couple of free minutes I browse their web and find interesting stories to listen to. The one I chose for this artefact is one of them. Already the title (The man who build his rainforest) reminded me of this old story – The man who planted trees and I knew I wanted to know more about this Brazilian man. A report from foreign country also promised a non-native accent which are sometimes hard to understand.
I didn’t have any major problems understanding the speakers. The one with the thicker accent (I assume it was the interpreter) sometimes pronounced some words in a strange way a bit – pasture, pure etc. But listening to it twice was enough for me to get it. The grammar used wasn’t very complicated and I had known most of the vocabulary, though I don’t use them actively. So from now I will try to focus on using:
Cattle grazing
Peaks of a mountain