Trip to Miami (10 to 16 November)
For some time, one of my goals has been to be able to communicate with any English speaker from any country. I believe, that to get this ability, one has to practice as much as possible. I, therefore, decided to travel to as many different parts of the English speaking world as possible and speak with a large number of native speakers. Miami was convenient at the time because one of my friends wanted to go there.
Speaking with people in Florida was a bit more difficult than I expected. I felt more like in a Spanish colony rather than in the USA. Everyone had a very thick Spanish accent (it was quite hard to tell whether they were speaking Spanish or English) and some people did not speak English at all! But everybody understood what I meant and wanted, so my trip was not a disappointment. But if I go there again in the future, I will work a bit on my Spanish rather than on my English ;)