The Declaration of Independence in 24 Accents and Dialects (26 December)
Not only to understand it but also to be able to say it. That was my goal for this artefact. I decided to reuse my listening prop and figuratively turn into a parrot and repeat all Paul Meier says in those different accents and dialects. As many wise people say, learning to pronounce it can immensely improve one's understanding.
Well... So it seems I am NOT going to a famous actor. Or at least concerning fake accents and dialects. Unless it would be a parody. Simple repeating was a much bigger issue than I expected. I had to play some of the sentences multiple times and still was not able to reproduce the sound correctly. It did, however, draw my attention to some specifics of at least some of the accents. Overall, this exercise was harder than any tongue twister I know. It was very hard for me to abandon my standard pronunciation and venture into the woods of new sounds.