Teenagers are better behaved and less hedonistic nowadays (The Economist) 10 January 2018
To be honest, I decided to read this article (I know The Economist again, but that's what I chose for a goal) mainly for two reasons. First, because I still count myself within the youth of today and because I liked the picture). Another reason was that I saw the word hedonistic in the title. Recently, I have heard it a couple of times (even in Czech) and was not very sure about the precise meaning. So I took it as a sign that this particular article will be beneficial for me.
This article was, understanding-wise, one of the easiest ones in The Economist I have ever read. Of course, there was a number of words I wrote down to remember them and use them more often.
The list of word to revise and use actively:
hedonistic (hedonism)
to chug
to fall from favour
to tuck up
a pittance
a pauper