The Declaration of Independence in 24 Accents and Dialects (14 December)
This listening was a homework prepared by Mrs Katerina Tomkova for subject Pronunciation Varieties of English. The goal was to guess which Accent is used for each segment of the Declaration of Independence. She made it easier for us since she created a special worksheet and we had to choose from just two possible options (i.e. Irish/Scottish). And because my goals are mostly about being able to distinguish accents and dialects, I think this is a most suitable artefact.
To be honest, this exercise would be too complicated if I didn't have to choose from given options (which were sometimes quite easily distinguishable). Out of these 24 different dialects and accents, I had only 4 wrong. Various American ones seem to be less problematic for me and I should concentrate much more on different British ones. I mix up especially Irish and Scottish (sometimes Scouse too) which are quite distinct but I never seem to be able to detect them correctly. But if I had to guess without any given choices, it would be a disaster. I guess I would have maybe 4 correct.